X-ray diffraction (XRD) is the main technique used to characterize the crystalline structure of substances. Divided between mono or polycrystalline (powder) methods, it can unequivocally determine the presence of polymorphism and the sample crystallinity, among other applications.

Our services are carried out in accordance with the ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard and good laboratory and manufacturing practices according to Anvisa (RDC 512/2021 and 658/2022) and, as we are in accordance with the established quality standards , we are the first private laboratory in the country to obtain the REBLAS qualification.

We not only have a XRD equipment that is one of the most modern available on the market, we have also developed our own database, the e-Diffraction Pharma,which is totally dedicated to storing and updating information related to the knowledge of polymorphs or other data associated with solid state studies.

NanoBusiness is always innovating when it comes to offering the best solutions to our customers.
For XRD tests, we offer the option of Online Analyses, in which data collected in your company can be sent for our specialists to interpret and report.

Contact us to know more and request an estimate!