NanoBusiness prioritizes the maintenance of quality requirements in accordance with ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025. Our objective is to guarantee the continuous improvement of an effective management system, a continuous technical competence recognized in the tests carried out, and to maintain a commitment to reliability, confidentiality, and impartiality on the results.
Our Quality Management policy provides for:
Ensuring our customers' satisfaction based on ethics and good professional practices;
Carrying out research activities and participating in studies on the development of new technologies, seeking continuous growth based on scientific businesses deep tech);
Contributing to national and international industries in solving everyday challenges and complex problems;
Ensuring that the scientific and technological skills of the team continue to grow, in order to meet our customers’ demands;
Offering services in polymorphism analysis by X-ray diffraction accredited, since 2017, by the General Coordination for Accreditation (CGCRE) of INMETRO, at ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025, as well as investments to increase the scope in other techniques.